Friday, October 23, 2015

Monkey Bread!!!

Where do I start?! I have never had monkey bread before and now that I have tasted it, I can't believe I went this long without eating it. I recently made two different types of monkey bread and let me tell you right now it was the BEST THING EVER! 

Here are the links of the two recipes I tried out:

The first recipe is my favorite one out of the two because I love anything with strawberries, fluffy bread, and whipped cream. The strawberry makes it just sweet enough but not sweet to the point you can feel cavities forming. I had some issues with this recipes, though. The top of my monkey bread cooked way faster then the other parts so the top came out a bit hard. It might have been because of my oven, but I would keep an eye out for that. It still tastes good, but you don't want to end up burning the top.

The second one was a hit with my family, but for me it was a bit too sweet. However, everyone else absolutely loved it. The ooey gooey chocolate and cream cheese in the middle makes this monkey bread amazing. It is almost like a stuffed cinnamon roll. I can see kids loving this for parties or  for just a fun dessert.  I gave some to my grandparents and they LOVED IT with some hot tea. This is a pretty big deal since they aren't really into sweet foods.

Anyway, tell me if you try these recipes out and whether you like them or not. Also leave any other recipes you guys find so others can try it out.

~The Life of a Typical Girl

Friday, October 16, 2015

Welcome to the Everything Cafe!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my blog, The Everything Cafe! Here I will be writing anything that comes to mind. Rants, food, clothing, reviews, and everything in between. This will probably be the most random blog ever, but I hope you guys find something fun to read.

~The Life of a Typical Girl